There are growing rumors that Juli Vavilova might have played a role in the recent arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. Durov, who is often dubbed “Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg,” was detained by French police at Le Bourget airport on Saturday. The billionaire was arrested on multiple charges, including allegedly facilitating criminal activities on Telegram, which has around 900 million users.
At the time of his arrest, Durov was not alone. Reports indicate that a mysterious woman, believed to be his girlfriend, was also taken into custody with him. This woman has been identified as 24-year-old Juli Vavilova, a crypto coach and streamer from Dubai. There is widespread speculation that she could have been the reason Durov was caught.
Some theories suggest that Vavilova may have been under surveillance, leading authorities to Durov. Others think she may have accidentally attracted attention or might have even been involved in his arrest.
Vavilova, who has over 20,000 Instagram followers, has been seen with Durov in several countries, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan. Their close relationship became even more apparent when they arrived in Paris on a private jet shortly before their arrest. Her social media activity, which includes posts with Durov, has fueled speculation that she may have either inadvertently or intentionally led authorities to their location. Some are even questioning whether she might be a Mossad agent or was involved in some form of deception.
Despite these rumors, her exact role in the situation remains unclear. Reports indicate that her loved ones have been unable to contact her since Durov’s arrest.